Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pampering myself ..

After 22 years of leading a financially dependent life ..i suddenly got up one day and realised to my utter surprise that I was finally financially independent ..Now thats a big step in everyone's life ..and I should tell you it feels great ...

So I thought I should celebrate this momentous opportunity in my life ..and what better way to celebrate than to shop ..I went shopping my dear friends ..and I shopped till I fell ..for once I did not care to look at the price tag , convert it to Indian rupees and then stop to wonder if the stuff was really worth it . I bought what I liked and let me tell you it sure feels good ...we ought to pamper ourselves once in a while for all the other time we spend working so that we could get these few moments of pampering ourselves ...

Eating good food , wearing good clothes and doing activities you have always wanted to do ..I believe that should be the sole motive of the money we earn ..

Khali haath aaye the hum ..khali haath jayenge ...

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